Thursday, April 29, 2021

Various Methods of Cannabis Oil Extraction

 To gain the most out of the cannabis plant, you initially need to extract the oil from the hemp plant. There are several tools and ingredients that can facilitate the process of extraction.

There are many methods of several methods of cannabis oil extraction, and some DIY versions. But let’s analyze the most popular cannabis oil extraction methods. 

Extraction by Solvent
This method involves a solvent – a common food grade ethanol, or a hydrocarbon such as butane or propane – is soaked or passed over plant trimmings, removing necessary compounds. During hydrocarbon extraction, the final mixture, which will have a lot of cannabinoids and beneficial compounds like terpenes will also be refined (the method used for refinement will depend on the type of end product) and most of the solvent will be extracted. Afterwards, there will be extraction of leftover solvent, allowing only a concentrated CBD oil. When it comes to the extraction process with ethanol, the final liquid is further distilled to differentiate the hemp oil from the food-grade ethanol so that the necessary compounds can be further isolated.

Olive Oil Extraction
A popular solvent includes olive oil and it can facilitate cannabis oil extraction, but this method is mostly used by cannabis enthusiasts and not recommended for companies. The crude hemp is placed under high temperatures (decarboxylated) and afterwards added to the oil and heated again for successful cannabinoid extraction. The olive oil is richer and won’t evaporate like ethanol or hydrocarbon solvents. This means that the result won't be as concentrated and will usually involve CBD-infused oil rather than a concentrated extract.

Steam Distillation
This famous, proven strategy for removing fundamental oils can be utilized to extract cannabis compounds too. Steam is utilized to unlock the volatile compounds (usually known as cannabinoids) from the pure plant material. This results in a vapour filled with the necessary compounds which are cooled and condensed, and afterwards separated from the water.

CO2 Extraction
This technique involves using CO2 (carbon dioxide) to draw cannabinoids and other essential compounds from the pure hemp plants. This process is the most scientific and usually involves three chambers. The first chamber mostly deals with CO2 – which is in a gaseous state under in its original form– is transformed into liquid form by expanding the pressure and fundamentally reducing the temperature. Afterwards, the temperature and pressure are gradually expanded until the liquid CO2 becomes critical. The first chamber is usually easy and neat. Now, the CO2 is somewhere close to a liquid state and a gaseous state, with each sharing the same properties; it expands like a gas, but highly condensed like a fluid. During its optimal state, the CO2 pushed into the subsequent chamber, which contains the hemp plant material. At this point, the CO2 goes through the hemp, isolating the rich cannabinoid oil from the plant material. The oil and CO2 are advanced toward the third and last chamber where they are separated and the leftover CO2 evaporates, leaving behind highly concentrated cannabis oil extract.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Traveling Safely with Cannabis

 The cannabis industry is booming due to the legalization of medical and recreational cannabis in many states. However, many individuals are don't know whether it's safe to travel with cannabis. Although cannabis is legal at the state level, it is still illegal at the federal level. Due to the conflict between federal and state laws, individuals need to know how, when, and where they can transport their state-authorized cannabis. The ability to travel with legal cannabis is based on several parameters, including the destination and transport means.

The destination should be initially taken into consideration when traveling with legal cannabis. It is essential to learn the state laws concerning traveling with cannabis. Basically, due to the federal ban on cannabis, legal marijuana can't be carried across state lines. This is true even if your destination and your origin have similar cannabis laws. Due to changing laws governing different states, traveling with cannabis can bring a lot of issues. Interstate travel is based on federal law, which means transporting carrying legal marijuana across state lines is considered a crime according to the federal government. Cannabis can be legal in one state and illegal in another, which further complicates the issue. An individual traveling with cannabis can be charged with drug trafficking by the federal government.

Furthermore, trying to transport legal cannabis across international borders (e.g., between the United States and Canada) could lead to severe charges, including arrest, fines, and imprisonment. American and Canadian officials can still detain holders of a medical-marijuana cardholder for possessing marijuana at the border. Moreover, the permit to utilize cannabis in your home state doesn't imply that you can use it in another state. 

Intrastate Travel
Although individuals can legally travel within a legal marijuana state (i.e., intrastate travel), specific areas of that same state will still be restricted for marijuana possession and use. Carrying cannabis onto federally owned property is illegal. Some federally owned properties include national parks, post offices, federal buildings, military installations, and different land types managed by the federal government. For instance, although medical and recreational marijuana is legal in Colorado, it is illegal to smoke cannabis in Rocky Mountain National Park because it is federal property.

Those traveling with legal marijuana should always enable them to take their medical-cannabis card. This can be essential, especially if you are asked about possessing marijuana. It is also necessary to know the amount of cannabis that you are carrying. State laws generally limit the measure of marijuana that citizens can take. It is essential to know the laws of your home state and your destination state's laws if you plan on traveling with weed.

The area of destination also plays a role in your travel. Even though your state may have legal cannabis, it is essential to know the state's laws before traveling with cannabis. Public and private property are not considered the same, and each state has its own rules and regulations concerning traveling with marijuana. Therefore, it is essential to understand the cannabis rules of your desired destination.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Cannabis micro-dosing


What Research says about Micro-Dosing and Why It Is Recommended
Cannabis dosing is not the same as dosing other drugs. With cannabis dosing more isn't always better. Indeed, the absolute best dose of cannabis may be the dose that isn’t felt instantly.

According to research by Syque Medical, a Tel Aviv-based medical cannabis organization, cannabis microdoses can be similarly as viable as higher doses.

Before analyzing research on cannabis and dosing, lets first analyze the basics on micro-dosing. 

What is micro-dosing?
The idea of microdosing is somehow basic. It means taking moderate quantities of cannabis in a given time frame.

The reason behind cannabis micro-dosing is similarly clear. Rather than filling the endocannabinoid system with an overdose of cannabinoids, why not give more modest doses intended to launch the body's own endocannabinoid creation? Endocannabinoids are similar to anandamide, and both works to prevent the body from pain and inflammation.

However, all these lies only in theories. A couple of years ago, scientists didn’t understand how micro-dosing worked.

Research on cannabis micro-dosing
Due to the lack of research on cannabis and micro-dosing, researchers at Syqe Medical were aimed at discovering more. 27 patients with chronic pain were administered one of the following treatment alternatives:
5mg of inhaled THC
1mg of inhaled THC
Placebo without THC
The patients were unaware of the dosage they were taking.

At the end of the study, the 1mg THC group’s plasma THC levels surpassed the .5mg group's, suggesting that higher THC admission may encourage somewhat higher THC absorption. However, surprisingly, while the 1mg THC group also had more side effects, they didn't feel twice the pain relief—Both gatherings revealed 39% and 25% decreases, respectively.

The two doses brought about an outstanding decrease in pain intensity: 63.64% of the patients in 0.5 mg dose, and over 69.57% of the patients in 1.0 mg dose, with the pain scores showing at least a 2-point reduction.

One of the primary micro-dosing advantages of cannabis is convenience. It is easy to pinch a cannabis cookie or inhale one hit from a vaporizer. You can also microdose cannabis in the form of honey. Just spread cannabis honey on to a single slice of toast. Micro dosing makes you receive the medical benefits of cannabis without getting high and remove the burden of getting high in uncomfortable situations.
Interestingly, MMJ's advantages are possibly more essential when you use the less is more methodology. According to a study by Wilsey et al., on the impacts of low cannabis doses, distributed in The Journal of Pain in February 2013. The researchers discovered that cannabis was a useful painkiller when taken in small and medium doses.

Another research by Portenoy et al. on the opioid treated cancer patients, distributed in The Journal of Pain in May 2012. The researchers administered THC/CBD spray to patients who were lethargic to painkillers. It showed that those who got high doses of the spray still experienced pain. But patients who received lower doses experienced lower pain.

Why is it recommended?
It helps to Know your dose; Cannabis microdosing is a useful method to gain a relaxed and focused high. When cannabis is consumed in small doses, you can prevent symptoms like paranoia, anxiety, or extreme psychoactivity. Additionally, little doses of cannabis offer a mild but significant type of healing and alleviation.

Cannabis microdosing isn't for patients who need severe pain relief. Nonetheless, many patients know that lower doses of THC matched with a full spectrum cannabinoid is a good remedy for several ailments.