Sunday, January 30, 2022

When is Drug Test for Job?


Drug testing is a primary aspect of maintaining safety in the workplace. Sometimes drug testing is a primary aspect of the employment hiring process. This is known as pre-employment drug testing. There is also random drug testing on employees which takes people by surprise. Therefore, there is a need to know when is drug test for job.


Some companies have the right to test employees for drug use. Usually, the company notifies potential employees about the drug test. Sometimes the company states the time of the test in the job posting or on the initial application.


Who needs drug tests?

Most private companies must not do drug tests on employees. However, if you work in some companies, it’s a must to a drug test. Fields such as transportation, safety, defense, transit, and aviation require drug tests. Other careers that require drug testing include hospitals, schools, and universities.


Pre-Employment drug testing

Job applicants may undergo testing as part of the employment hiring process. Companies that test for drug use follow a specific routine. Some employers require drug tests to ensure the employee is free from any drug usage. If you fail a pre-employment drug test, your job offer will be withdrawn.


In most companies, employees must undergo a drug test before finalizing the job offer. This type of policy is common in big companies like Microsoft and Amazon. Most well-established and reputable companies follow this policy as part of the hiring process.


Before submitting your application, you will already know if it needs a drug test. Jobs that require a pre-employment drug test have certain measures. You must pass the test to get the job. If you miss the test, you won’t have the job. Also, if you fail the test your job offer will be withdrawn.


When do companies drug test?

If you need to take a pre-employment drug test don’t panic. Your employer will provide the time of the drug tests after your interview.


Drug tests never occur during an interview. However, you may need to take one on the interview day at a different location. Therefore, be ready for a drug test on the interview day.


Additionally, employers typically conduct random drug testing after employment. These tests occur to ensure that employees are all safe. It also maintains compliance with federal laws.


Random tests usually occur at a manager’s discretion. Therefore, if an employee consumes drugs while on the job, a supervisor may issue a drug test.


While these may seem insecure, it is the right of some employers. Before you work for a company, you must agree to random drug testing. When you sign your employment contract you agree to drug testing. Drug testing occurs anytime, especially if an employee acts strange at work.


When arguments occur at a workplace, the participants will also undergo drug tests. Even if you didn’t cause the argument, you still need a drug test. Doing a drug test due to an incident ensures everyone’s safety. This is especially true in positions that deal with heavy machinery.


Bottom line

By now we know when is drug test for job. Most companies schedule drug tests during the hiring process. However, in some situations, employers can decide to randomly drug test employees.





Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Will Drug Test Show Alcohol?


Alcohol is a chemical compound consisting of a hydroxide bond, 2 carbons, and 5 oxygen bonds. Nowadays, the existence of different testing kits makes it easier to detect alcohol consumption. Employers can easily determine whether an employee is under the influence of alcohol or not.


Many people usually doubt the potential of alcohol to show in a drug test. However, will drug test show alcohol? How long does alcohol stay in your system?” In this article, we’ll find out the answers to these questions.


Alcohol and drug test

Many companies test employees for alcohol. There exist several machines and devices which detect alcohol consumption. An alcohol drug test can also occur on the road. When the police suspects, they usually perform a drug test. Law enforcement officials usually use an alcohol screening device to check for driving under alcohol influence. These alcohol tests can determine the real usage of drugs and alcohol by the drivers.


How long does alcohol remain in your system?

Most drugs will remain in your system for a particular amount of time. Like other drugs, Alcohol also stays in the body for a long time. Reports state that alcohol leaves the blood every 0.015 mg per hour. This means that alcohol remains in the blood for nearly 12 hours.


When you consume alcohol, it remains in different body parts for quite a while. Alcohol remains in the bladder for 3 to 5 days depending on your usage. Alcohol remains in the hair for 90 days or more.


When you drink alcohol, 20% of it remains in the stomach itself. Only 80% of alcohol enters the small intestine. Afterward, after digestion, alcohol enters the bloodstream. At this point, the alcohol spreads quickly in the body. Since blood moves in all parts of the body, alcohol quickly spreads in the bloodstream.


Alcohol testing methods

There are several ways to test for alcohol in the body. The most popular methods include blood, urine, and breath tests.


·         Breath Test

A breath test is a common way to detect alcohol usage. This test is popular among drivers who consume alcohol. The roadside police conduct breath tests on drivers to detect any form of intoxication. Breath tests work by putting Breathalyzer machines in the mouth.


·         Saliva Test

Saliva tests work very effectively to detect alcohol consumption. The saliva test also goes by the nickname “Mouth Swab” test. It works by detecting the presence of ethanol, a common chemical in beer, wine, and spirits. This saliva test is more costly than breath tests and urine tests. They forecast the measure of alcohol in your system within a day or two.



Bottom line

Will drug test show alcohol? Yes. Since alcohol shows in drug tests, employers conduct alcohol tests to ensure a healthy and safe workplace. Therefore, it's essential to avoid consuming alcohol at work. But if you still consume alcohol, wait for 48 hours before drug tests.


Keep in mind that, employers don’t conduct random alcohol tests. These tests happen due to suspicion over employees. However, alcohol tests are essential in the transportation or construction sectors. Thus, if you are a driver, know that alcohol will show in drug tests.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Why drug test for employment?


Over recent years, drug testing plays a role in many companies and businesses. Employers can demand drug tests depending on state laws. A common myth concerning drug testing is that employers do it because of trust issues. While drug testing is for the company’s protection, it’s also for employee protection.


The primary types of drug tests include pre-employment and random drug testing. Pre-employment drug tests screen potential employees for drug use. This ensures new employees are free of any drug abuse issues. Many companies have strict drug-free rules. Therefore, drug addicts can’t get employment in such companies.


Random drug tests screen employees without prior notice. This type of drug test ensures that current employees are drug-free. There are many reasons why drug test for employment, including:


To sort workers with drug problems

Drug testing employees eliminate the chance of hiring drug addicts. Sometimes companies may hire individuals with a history of drug usage. Therefore, it's essential to drug test employees. Hiring a drug addict will affect productivity in the workplace. Persons with a history of drug use may also influence other workers. A drug test serves several purposes. It saves the cost of employing individuals who use drugs. It also makes it easy for the drug addict to seek rehabilitation.


To safeguard the company’s reputation

State and federal laws demand that employers maintain a drug-free workplace. Companies also have drug testing guidelines to comply with these laws. If an employee misbehaves because he took drugs, the company may face charges. The government may make the company responsible for the employee’s actions. Therefore, sound drug testing is necessary for the workplace. A drug test acts as a preventive measure for employers to avoid government lawsuits.


A drug test also facilitates a clean and ethical company name and reputation. Employees with a drug abuse history can also taint the image of the company.


To keep other employees safe

It’s the Employers job to keep employees safe. Individuals who consume drugs lack high productivity. They may bring a negative atmosphere which can affect communication, and productivity. Employees under the influence of drugs can harm other employees. Employees consuming alcohol and other drugs can pose a higher risk of danger to their colleagues.


Increase productivity

A recurrent drug test can lead to high productivity. Drug-free employees often cover the work of those using drugs on site. This leads to discontent in the workplace and loss of team morale. Drug-free workplaces contain a lot of energy to think and work. Furthermore, a drug-free environment increases employee relationships and morale.


Reduce turnover

Employers drug test to reduce business’ turnover rates. Drug users usually change jobs several times per year because they often lose their jobs. This increases the company’s expenses. Maintaining a drug-free environment ensures high productivity and can reduce employee turnover by a third.


Bottom line

People ask the question, why drug test for employment if it only increases cost? Drug testing is common in most modern companies. Drug testing is very relevant and can help you know your workers.