Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Why Marijuana Should be Legalized Federally


In most US states, residents can legally use marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Cannabis is legal for medical purposes in 37 states and recreational purposes in 18 states. Despite this cannabis is still illegal at the federal level and it’s under the list of Schedule I drugs. Most proponents of cannabis believe that it should be legal federally but why should marijuana be legal federally.


Cannabis advocates believe cannabis legalization will add billions to the economy and create thousands of jobs. Federal legalization will also free up police resources and improve the lifestyle of the communities of color. Cannabis legalization will mean low street crime and a safer marijuana market. Why marijuana should be legalized federally is a common question amongst advocates. In this article, we provide the pros of federal cannabis legalization.


·         Harm reduction

Some states are shifting funds from marijuana criminalization and using it to treat addicts. This goes a long way to reduce the rate of cannabis arrests. In Oregon for example, the creation of Measure 110, decriminalizes low-level drug possession. It also enhances harm reduction, substance use disorder treatment, and other beneficial services.


The Drug Policy Alliance in Oregon results in 60% fewer total drug arrests in the 10 months. After the introduction of Measures 110 in Oregon, there was a reduction in nearly 5,500 arrests. Measure 110 also meant that part of the cannabis tax revenue goes into addiction centers. In the first 10 months after Measure 110, substance abuse disorder saw a great reduction.


·         Increased tax revenue

The cannabis industry has a large legal and black market. The Tax Foundation notes that the illegal U.S. marijuana industry costs billions annually in lost tax revenues. Furthermore, New Frontier Data predicts that the federal legalization of cannabis could improve the US economy. By 2025, cannabis could generate a cumulative $105.6 billion in federal tax revenue and 1 million new jobs. Therefore, we see more reasons why marijuana should be legalized federally.


While there is no specific forecast on cannabis legalization, polls are not far from the truth. California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office notes that the state had $652 million in cannabis excise tax in 2020-21. It also experienced $165 million in cultivation tax in 2020-2021. Reports estimate that cannabis legalization will produce at least 81,000 jobs in California. It will also increase total labor income by at least $3.5 billion.


·         Cannabis is safer than alcohol

Most researchers note that cannabis is less toxic than alcohol. Alcohol possesses a greater risk of addiction than alcohol and won’t cause serious medical problems. Reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that about 50,000 Americans die because of alcohol. There are about 2,200 additional deaths from an acute overdose of alcohol each year. While cannabis may not increase mortality, it won’t cause any deaths either.

Bottom line

There’s an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting why marijuana should be legalized federally. The end of cannabis prohibition may be near but despite its schedule 1 status, the cannabis market will only grow.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Who Marijuana Vote


The federal legalization of marijuana will soon become a reality in the United States. The WHO marijuana vote gave a green light for many countries to legalize marijuana. Therefore, it’s no surprise why the US is taking steps to legalize the plant. On April 29th, the House of Representatives passed a bill meant to decriminalize the use of marijuana on a federal level. However, this bill needs to get approval from the senate.


The legalization of marijuana is something very delicate: While the WHO marijuana vote was successful, other nations are still the legalize the plant. In most US states you can consume legal cannabis for recreational or medical purposes. However, it’s still illegal federally.


Most Americans are in favor of cannabis legalization. A recent poll from Pew Research shows that 91% of U.S. adults want cannabis legal at the federal level. While the Senate bill on cannabis legalization is essential, it needs to pass hurdles in the Senate.



Can the US legalize Marijuana at Federal Level?

Before the WHO marijuana vote, 37 US states allowed the use of medicinal cannabis. On the other hand, 18 states had both medical and recreational use. But since cannabis is illegal federally, it’s difficult for businesses to operate. Most cannabis companies can’t access banking services as well as obtain loans.


The House of Representatives recently passed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act. The bill will remove cannabis from the list of schedule 1 drugs. It will also eliminate any criminal penalties for possessing or distributing marijuana.


If the Senate approves this bill, individuals with past convictions for cannabis offenses can start afresh. The MORE Act would clear all past criminal records for marijuana offenses and resentence individuals serving jail time. It would also provide public benefits to cannabis felons.


Furthermore, the proposed bill will also generate funds to help support suffering communities. The MORE Act would impose a federal tax on the sale of cannabis. The tax from cannabis sales will fund programs for substance misuse treatment. It will also help to free the communities thorned by the war on drugs.


If the MORE Act becomes successful, it could mean serious money for the federal government. But despite cannabis being federally illegal, California is making huge revenue from marijuana sales. Legal cannabis sales in cannabis may reach $40.5 billion by 2025.


Proponents of cannabis believe that banning the drug instead promotes more crime. The WHO marijuana vote already showcases why cannabis should be legal. Therefore, it’s up to the federal government to decide.



Will the Senate follow the WHO marijuana vote?

The MORE Act will certainly face challenges in the Senate. Although all Senate Democrats were in support of the bill, it still needs more GOP votes. The bill only had three Republican votes in the House, which is not a good sign.


According to analysts, the bill won’t pass into law. However, while the MORE Act may fail, it paves the way for more successful bills. Cannabis faces a lot of scrutiny, and this goes way back into history. The drug became illegal under the federal government in 1937 and it's still illegal today.


Federal decriminalization of marijuana will be like the WHO marijuana vote. It would remove the stigma on cannabis allowing more users to engage in the drug.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Which Marijuana Seeds Are Good


So, you plan on growing marijuana seeds. One of the best decisions you’ll want to make is to decide which marijuana seeds are good. A good seed houses the essential components for a healthy, potent plant. While easy to choose the seeds to grow your cannabis plants, others find it complicated. In this article, we will focus on the basic facts showcasing which marijuana seeds are good.


How to know which marijuana seeds are good

When you purchase cannabis seeds from a reputable seed bank, quality is your assurance.  There’s a high chance you will get poor seeds from your local dealer. However, if you can detect quality marijuana seeds, it saves a lot of stress. 


One way to determine a good cannabis seed is by looking at its appearance. Keep in mind that seeds from similar plants have different characteristics. Quality seeds will visually have a striking appearance. Here are some common characteristics of good marijuana seeds



The appearance of seeds is a great way to determine quality. Typically, the outer shells of high-quality cannabis seeds have dark colors. Seeds with bright colors such as white, pale green, and yellow are usually of poor quality.


High-quality cannabis seeds have strong shells and lack cracks exposing the inside of the seed. You’ll also see a healthy waxy coating after close examination under bright light. While appearance can determine a good seed, it’s usually not a reliable indicator of good seeds.


Shape and size

Healthy marijuana seeds vary in size but have the same shape. To know which marijuana seeds are good, check if they are round or symmetrically in shape. Poor quality seeds don’t have the shapes. Different cultivars can have their seed sizes. Larger seeds are easy to grow because they store more energy. This leads to potentially healthy plants.


Also, consider the weight of the seeds when evaluating quality. If your smaller seeds weigh more than a larger seed, then the smaller seed is of good quality. Bigger seeds are lighter due to moisture and nutrient loss.



Darker high-quality cannabis seeds give you a hard press. To understand the firmness of a seed’s shell, gently squeeze it with your thumb and index finger. If the seed remains intact, then it’s of high quality. Doing this method saves time and effort in identifying good seeds.


Float test

Another easy way to know which marijuana seeds are good is through a float test. Place water in a glass and drop in the seeds you intend to germinate. Check after an hour and the seeds that seeds are good for germination. The seeds that float probably won't sprout. A floating test is an easy way to detect viable seeds.


Bottom line

Knowing which marijuana seeds are good is essential for healthy plants. Also, don’t go ahead and buy expensive seeds thinking that they are good. Expensive doesn’t always mean better and usually cheap seeds can have quality. Also, choose trustworthy seedbanks with great reviews.