Thursday, November 3, 2022

Why Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized: The Pros and Cons

 Are you pro or con on legalizing medical marijuana? Some people believe it’s a drug and should be illegal, but others believe it helps patients with serious diseases and should be legal. You may know where you stand on this controversial topic.

Get the facts about marijuana so that you can see the pros and cons of legalizing it. If you are pro in legalizing medical marijuana, here are some reasons why.

It is not addictive or harmful like alcohol or tobacco. It has many benefits in relieving pain and nausea as well as other diseases such as glaucoma, arthritis, HIV/AIDS, cancer, and more. Read on to find out more about the pros of legalizing marijuana and why medical marijuana should be legalized.

The Pros of Legalizing Medical Marijuana

If you are pro in legalizing medical marijuana, here are some reasons why:

Treat chronic diseases

First and foremost, marijuana is very effective in treating chronic diseases, especially pain and nausea. In fact, it is more effective than most prescription drugs in treating these types of diseases.

It does not lead to overdose or death unlike prescription drugs, which are prescribed to patients who use marijuana. Studies show that it does not cause long-term harm to the user’s brain or body.

In fact, people believe it to have therapeutic benefits such as;

  • Reducing anxiety
  • Improving mood
  • and increasing appetite, especially among cancer patients.

Let’s learn in detail about it:

Help Patients with Serious Diseases

Another pro of legalizing marijuana is that it can help patients with serious diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, and glaucoma. Medical marijuana can help treat the symptoms of these diseases such as nausea and pain.

Cancer patients use marijuana to help with the side effects of chemotherapy such as:

  • Nausea.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • And pain.

Glaucoma patients also use marijuana to lower the pressure inside the eye to prevent blindness. HIV/AIDS patients use marijuana to relieve pain and increase their appetite.

Doesn’t Cause Harm to Users or Others Around Them

Another pro of legalizing medical marijuana is that it doesn’t cause harm to users or others around them because people use it medically and do not abuse it. During the prohibition of alcohol, people use it as a recreational drug, which caused harm to them, especially children.

Alcohol may also be responsible for a lot of harm, injury, and even death. However, when it comes to medical marijuana, its use is to treat diseases and relieve pain, so it doesn’t cause harm to others or the user.

In fact, people believe it helps reduce opioid use and prevent overdoses, which is a benefit of legalizing medical marijuana.

It Has Therapeutic Benefits and Marijuana Should Be Legalized

It also has therapeutic benefits for patients. One of these benefits is that it can help patients who suffer from anxiety or depression. People who suffer from these diseases often use marijuana to help relieve the symptoms and gain control of their lives again.

Medical marijuana also may help people who have eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia. It can help these patients get the nutrients and calories that they need to survive and function normally again.

Cons of Legalizing Medical Marijuana

While there are many pros to legalizing medical marijuana, there are also some cons to consider. As:

  • Patients can abuse it easily.
  • One can easily get a prescription for marijuana as it is not regulated like other prescription drugs.
  • Plus, it is easily accessible to people, especially teens and children, who might abuse the law.

One of the major cons of legalizing marijuana is that it may harm patients who use it for long-term treatment such as cancer patients. Even, studies show that long-term marijuana use could be harmful to the lungs, immune system, and reproductive system.

Another con of legalizing medical marijuana is that children could misunderstand the law and abuse it by using it recreationally.

Some People May Abuse the Law

The main con of legalizing medical marijuana is that some people may abuse the law by using it recreationally. Just like alcohol, some people may use marijuana to get high instead of treating a disease.

One of the cons of legalizing medical marijuana is that it could contribute to more traffic accidents and fatalities because people who use it are more likely to drive while under the drug’s influence.

Since marijuana can be detected in a person’s bloodstream for several weeks, one can detect it in a person’s blood after they have stopped using it.

Children May Misunderstand and Abuse the Law

Another con of legalizing medical marijuana is that children may misunderstand the law and abuse it. When a certain law is passed and accepted, it can confuse people on what it really means. This confusion can lead to children abusing it and misunderstanding the law.

One of the cons of legalizing marijuana is that it could be easily accessible to children. Minors could easily purchase and buy the drug because it is not regulated or illegal for them to do so. This could lead to, children abusing it and abusing the law.

Another con of legalizing medical marijuana is that it could lead to more crimes because people can steal it from medical facilities and sell it on the street. This could cause more crimes and be harmful to patients who need the drug for treatment.

Another con of legalizing medical marijuana is that it could lead to more car accidents because people who use it are more likely to drive while under the drug’s influence.

Bottom line

Now you know why medical marijuana should be legalized. These are just a few of the pros and cons of legalizing medical marijuana. Now that you know both sides of the argument, you can decide for yourself whether or not it should be legalized.

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