Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Marijuana Can Mask PEDs


PEDs, as the name suggests, are substances that enhance the performance of activities. The use of PEDs by athletes is commonly known as “doping” which is unethical in world sports.


While PEDs are illegal in sports, they are useful for common medical conditions.


The use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) is destroying the modern-day sport. Famous athletes like Lance Armstrong and Justin Gatlin were guilty of using banned substances. These athletes choose to use illegal PEDs for different reasons.


Since athletics is very competitive, many athletes may resort to drugs to give them a boost. Performance-enhancing drugs work in several ways, which makes detection difficult.


What are Masking Agents?

Masking agents are a kind of medication that can block the detection of PEDs. Naturally, masking agents will falsify a positive drug test to show negative. There are different masking agents which work uniquely from another. However, all masking agents work to prevent an illegal substance from detection.


Masking agents (such as diuretics) can mask the results of doping controls, leading to false results. Marijuana can mask peds because of its diuretic effects.


Masking agents are primarily under diuretics. Other substances like probenecid and plasma expanders can also alter doping samples, modify urine excretion or mask the presence of other doping agents.


The use of drugs to mask other drugs is the primary reason why diuretics and alcohol are illegal in many sports. Alcohol and diuretics can mask other drugs as well as enhance performance in some sports.


Use of cannabis to mask other drugs

Cannabis effects on the body depend on body size, previous exposure, amount consumed, and more. Athletes use cannabis to mask other drugs and it’s an illegal drug in sports because of its diuretic effect.


Popular Banned Masking Agents


These are a category of medications for patients suffering from high blood pressure and related conditions. Professional athletes can’t use these medications for such conditions. To use such medication, you must receive a doctor’s recommendation. Popular diuretics include:

·         Furosemide

·         Hydrochlorothiazide

·         Spironolactone


Cannabis may also act as a diuretic because of its ability to mask other drugs. There is a saying that marijuana can mask PEDs but there is a need for more studies. Cannabis is an illegal substance in sports and any athlete who uses it faces a ban. However, the belief that marijuana can mask peds may increase its prohibition in sports.


Diuretics increase the amount of water being coming out of the body through urine. Since many medications and PEDs go out in the form of urine, this reduces the amount of PED in the urine. This makes it harder to detect the PEDs by drug tests.


Diuretics mask peds such as anabolic steroids and stimulants.

They quickly reduce an athlete’s body weight by reducing water in the body. This lower body weight allows athletes to compete in a lower weight class or perform quicker.


Bottom Line

As athletes face more pressure to win, the use of performance-enhancing drugs also increases. The saying that marijuana can mask peds is still unconfirmed as we need more studies. Regardless, with this increasing trend in the use of peds, offenders will face suspensions and bans.

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